Tuesday, January 6, 2015

That Inaugural Post

If you check out the definition of this word I feel like it sums up a great deal about food. You most definitely are going to want it to be DAINTY; tasty, delicious, mouthwatering, delectable, scrumptious... I digress. 
Starting a blog is something I have been trying to do for some time and well just never sat down and got to it. Also there was the problem of what to call it. What to name it? Dainty's definition jumped out at me. Plus it's just a darn cute word, but the dainty blog? It sounded like I should be blogging about tiny houses, doilies or miniature ponies. When I threw in that word Cajun well I felt like the word lended itself to my favorite culture. Cajun. And thus, The Dainty Cajun was born. Cher! 
I love all things Cajun. The food, the culture, the football team. So now I had a name. No excuses now, one must blog. And blog I will...
For your entertainment, a dictionary snippet below!

adjective: dainty; comparative adjective: daintier; superlative adjective: daintiest
  1. 1.
    delicately small and pretty.
    "a dainty lace handkerchief"
  2. 2.
    fastidious or difficult to please, typically concerning food.
    "a dainty appetite"
    synonyms:fastidious, fussy, finicky, particular, discriminating; More
    "a dainty eater"
noun: dainty; plural noun: dainties
  1. 1.
    something good to eat; a delicacy.
    synonyms:delicacy, tidbit, fancy, luxury, treat; More
    "homemade dainties"
Middle English (in the sense ‘tidbit, [something] pleasing to the palate’): from Old French daintie, deintie ‘choice morsel, pleasure,’ from Latin dignitas ‘worthiness or beauty,’ from dignus ‘worthy.’
Here's a picture of me and my dog, because everyone loves dogs and she's the cutest. 
Allons- Des 

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